Do not download the Legal Insider bot software. Unless you mark my full Greg Legal Insider bot software review. Does Legal Insider Bot Software Hate It?
The reason you are here is because you probably received a promotional email for a newly released product called Legal Insider Bot, which promises to make you money online. I'm betting that if you're curious about it, maybe you're ready to jump into it. But most of you are on my page because you want to know if the legal insider bot actually works and if it will actually make you money. Well you came to the right place, why do I say that? Because that’s what I just bought it for and tested for last week. And more importantly, I want to share my results with you. So keep reading this page for my in-depth legal built-in bot review.
What is a Legal Insider Bot System?
Legal Insider Bot is a free software application that alerts the user when profitable binary trading is identified. It sends a clear visible signal to the user to request to trade and the result is profit! It works by applying a complex algorithm to determine the probability of winning and when the probability of winning is high - alerts are sent. This semi-automated method of trading allows even newcomers to enter this lucrative business of binary trading.
Wait, is it free? What's the catch?
You heard right, the software is free .. so what's the catch? Technically, there is no catch here .. but when you trade profitably, the software developer will get a small percentage in commissions from your win depending on the amount of the winner. For example, if you make 200, the software developer will get about 10 (20%). So why did he create the software and make it available for free, when users make money (like themselves), he makes money too! Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it because you’re still making money even after taking out a very small part of it.
What is the MINIMUM deposit required before trading LIVE?
Once you sign up with the recommended broker, you will have to deposit at least $250 before you are allowed to trade.
Does it actually work?
Many people say that binary trading is a risky business and there is a tendency to stay away from it. But from my experience, high volatility means high return on investment. But this is where the legal insider bots come into play, the mathematical algorithms used by the software use the assumption of choosing a winning profitable trade. You don't have to be an expert. As I said before, I personally tested the legal insider bot and found that the success rate is about 70%. I don't know about you, but 70% chance of making a profitable trade is very good! I've never been here before. Keep reading, my results for the last week or so below.
Snapshot of the software in action:
My Results after 1 WEEK:
Initial Deposit = $200
Day 1: Investment = $20, Return = $75 (PROFIT = $55)
Day 2: Investment = $35, Return = $134 (PROFIT = $99)
Day 3: Investment = $43, Return = $4 (LOSS = $39)
Day 4: Investment = $70, Return = $145 (PROFIT = $75)
Day 5: Investment = $125, Return = $721 (PROFIT = $596)
Day 6: Investment = $50, Return = $19 (LOSS = $31)
Day 7: Investment = $70, Return = $178 (PROFIT = $108)
Balance at end of week = $1113 ; Net Profit = $863
My Conclusion.. Do I Recommend Legal Insider Bot ??
In conclusion, yes I definitely advise you to buy legal insider bot and trade binary using it. As I said, from my personal tests - I'm getting about 70% success rate. I initially deposited 200 200 with my broker (this is the amount needed before you start your business) is another thing, I recommend you try a smaller amount before making a big bet, so that you can use it to see how the software works in practice. The software is as automated as it can get, so it is suitable for educator businessmen.
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